Teaching Children

Teaching children karate is a very difficult task.  The instructor has to keep training safe, engaging, organized, fast paced, and relevant to the child’s age.  The instructor and the dojo members also have to practice what they preach.  In other words, be consistent in regards to what you say and what you do …


The history of karate is replete with information concerning kata. The issues are generally who did which kata, how were they developed, what is the source and what is the meaning. Most of this information is purely academic — think about it, we have what we have and what we …

What is Chi

A few days ago one of my more serious students asked me what ki (chi) is. Usually I respond with my standard explanation –it is the’ life force which each of us has within him in varying degrees. It is that, which when focused, allows us to deliver greater speed …

I Think I’ll Quit

How many times has every sensei heard these pitiful words? There are, of course, many good reasons for discontinuing karate training — severe injury, losing a teacher, relocating and even, “I don’t like this any more.” However, those who dropout most often do so for bogus reasons. For example, “I’m …

The Title Sensei

Sensei is a Japanese term of respect. It is used when addressing teachers or professionals such as doctors, lawyers, and others. In the West many people, due to the prevailing “cultural gap”, have little experience with this word, and often use it in a way that is not correct in terms …